Thursday, February 27, 2014

February Catch Up

I cannot believe the last day of February is TOMORROW! Where does time go? My baby boy (not exactly a baby anymore) will be turning 1 years old this month. It feels like yesterday I was pregnant with my first, living at BuyBuyBaby every weekend. Test driving the strollers, deciding which color carseat I like best, ETC... It simply boggles my mind that I will soon have two toddlers in the house!
It's been an extremely cold winter. Not easy being stuck indoors with two curious and active boys! We've had some fun snow play, but I am so ready for spring!!! Need to get our walks started up again stat so I stop snacking I hosted a little pizza Valentine's Day party for the cousins. They decorated heart butter cookies together for dessert. Now that I own a Valentine's table runner, I hope to keep this new tradition going year to year!

Wishing everyone a happy March!

Tuesday, January 21, 2014